Looking for a Secure and Long-term Job in Sambhajinagar District? You are just a click away from your dream job !​

Your Name
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Your Full Name
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Alternate Mobile Number
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Where do you live?
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Where in Sambhajinagar City?
ex. Park Stadium
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Other than Sambhajinagar City
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male candidate
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female candidate
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What type of job or post you are looking for?
ex. Accountant, Civil Engineer, etc
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Please enter other job profile.
I agree

I have my own bike and I am using a latest mobile phone with active internet connection.​

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I have a experience of handling sales team for more than 3 years.

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I have more than 1 year experience of handling social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

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I have more than 1 year experience in Graphic Designing and I have sufficient knowledge of using Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.

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I am using latest mobile phone with active internet connection and I am ready to do house to house or shop to shop data collection field work.

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I have a good communication skill and better knowledge of Tele-Calling work.

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I have a minimum 1 year experience in Tele Calling Sales field.

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I have a minimum 1 year experience in Data Entry field.

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I am persuing or completed my qualification as a website developer and I am ready for 1 month training and 6 months internship.

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I have a minimum 1 year experience in wordpress development.

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Do you have a Experience?
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Latest Experience Details
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Please enter your current or last experience details.
Please enter your current or last experience details.
Upload Your Updated Resume
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Please upload a resume.
What salary do you expect?
select this value very carefully. it matters.
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Please accept terms and conditions.